About The Engaged Professor

  • Vision

    Vision: To redefine what it means to be a professor in the rapidly evolving educational landscape.

  • Mission

    To help faculty members stay engaged in their industry and keep up to date on implementing trends impacting higher education in their classrooms and research. Through the newsletter, workshops, courses and community, faculty members can find the tools they need to become better teachers and researchers. Professors should be leaders, innovators, and contributors to their fields in practical ways, and the goal of The Engaged Professor is to help them on that journey.

“The ultimate goal for The Engaged Professor is to create a hub for community where we can engage and interact across institutions, disciplines, and experience levels to continually adapt and improve our teaching.”

Five principles are at the core of The Engaged Professor.

  • Great courses are built using the principle of 'backward design,' where faculty start with the end in mind when creating courses. The first step is defining clear learning outcomes and then mapping these outcomes directly to assignments and content, ensuring a coherent educational path. It is also essential that faculty use active and engaged teaching strategies, both in coursework and daily interactions, to create a more interactive and impactful learning experience. Rooting our teaching in the evidence-based foundations of teaching and learning is essential to being effective teachers.

  • The best faculty have one common trait – they commit to connecting with their students. Faculty should engage in conversation and interaction with students in their classes, regardless of modality, to build rapport and get to know students as individuals. This approach fosters understanding and empathy and enhances student experiences. And it’s not just about enriching the connections between faculty and students – faculty should actively create opportunities for students to engage with and build their professional networks. By prioritizing relationship-building, faculty enable collaborative learning, enhance the sharing of ideas, and open doors for students to future career paths, ensuring their education is deeply interconnected.

  • If we want to be the very best we can be for our students, it is essential that we prioritize keeping our teaching and research closely linked with the latest industry trends and innovations. This commitment ensures that our content is not only current, but also directly applicable to industry scenarios. Faculty who remain connected to their industry by networking and connecting with professionals, consulting, and completing practitioner-based trainings will see improvements to their teaching and research, including more engaged students and opportunities for collaboration.

  • The way students learn changes as our society changes. As faculty, we should adapt to these changes and actively integrate new tools and technology into the classroom. This ensures we prepare students for the demands of industry, while also enhancing their learning process. By embracing change and leveraging innovation, we equip our students with the skills necessary to excel in their future careers and contribute meaningfully to their fields.

  • One idea underlying principle guides The Engaged Professor – learning is a lifelong journey, and our primary goal as teachers is to instill this idea in our students. We should continually seek new knowledge and skills, in and outside of our disciplines, to maintain relevancy and excellence in teaching and research. A commitment to ongoing personal and professional development ensures our academic community remains at the cutting edge of innovation and thought leadership. By fostering a culture of curiosity and growth, educators and students are prepared to adapt and thrive in their personal and professional lives.

I believe effective teaching requires continuous engagement - with our students, our industries, and our own learning - and the ability (and willingness) to adapt to and integrate new educational trends and technology. The purpose of The Engaged Professor is to create a place to share experiences, ideas, and resources to help all educators adapt to the changing landscape of higher education and become better teachers.

Picture of Becky Achen

Thank you for being here!

Hi! I'm Becky, the founder of The Engaged Professor. My journey to starting The Engaged Professor dates back to 2012 when I decided to leave my marketing and sales job and go back to school to earn my Ph.D.

I was lucky enough to have Dr. Angela Lumpkin as my advisor during my time at the University of Kansas (Rock Chalk!) and she immediately introduced me to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. I consider myself one of the lucky ones - I had an advisor who was passionate about teaching and shared that passion with me. She is the reason I care so deeply about being a good teacher and why I have continually worked to improve my teaching.

So why did I decide to create The Engaged Professor? For me, this is a passion project. Throughout my teaching career, I have noticed a significant shift in the educational landscape - driven mostly by changes in technology (like generative AI tools) and changes in how students learn (and prefer to learn).

I recognized during my time as a faculty member one important fact - many of us (university professors) were never formally trained to be teachers. We are experts in our fields, but the skills required to effectively impart that knowledge are often assumed, not taught.

In 2021, I earned tenure at Illinois State University (always a REDBIRD), but my accomplishment was tempered by the fact that my husband was transferred to California for work. Although academic hiring cycles often happen a year in advance, I was able to find many adjunct teaching opportunities and find a role as an visiting assistant Professor at University of the Pacific (Go Tigers!). However, to make ends meet in a very expensive part of the country, I started working as a consultant helping small businesses with their marketing on top of teaching.

What turned into a need ended up being the very thing that helped me discover my passion. I love teaching - but I also love industry - and I realized that doing both was not only what I wanted to do, but is instrumental to my effectiveness as a teacher. I have found that connection to the industry has made me a better teacher and a better researcher.

I live the values of The Engaged Professor every day to be the best practitioner, teacher, and researcher I can for my students, clients and the field. It is my mission to share this perspective and provide actionable tips and insights to other educators. I truly believe that we owe it to our students, and ourselves, to commit to continual learning and engagement with industry.